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Posted by Agus setya on Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011 in
nie ss nya :
Released New :

credit dll : Krazy
injecktor : Ş©™βąŦăŖā

Thank'to :
[=]SC™ yOvi3
[=]SC™ athenk
[=]'˚•°ṤḈ™Ṋđӳ°•˚ :
[=]ṤḈ™♪ḭѷắḼḑ♪™ ^_^
[=]SC™ Patrol
[=]SC™ ilham
[=]All member Scarletzer.us

Fitur & hotkey :
Wallhack = auto On
Chams = auto On
Crosshair = auto On
No FOg = auto On

Nb : Harus Install vcredist_x86

Tested by SC™ Neo°•˚ Xp 2 Workk 1000%

Download :

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